Georgina Povey (Pov/Akela) our very first Leader (ret 1970).
As far as the records show a Wolf Cub Scout Pack was formed in Great Sutton shortly after the Second World War. Mrs Povey also ran Guides before taking on the Pack. Georgina Povey was the Akala (Wolf Cub Mistress) supported by her sons (one son Ken became a Vicar) and Ida Haddock a Wolf Cub’s Mum. The Pack met in the Reading Room (no longer there) at the top of Church Lane then little more than a farm track. They also met in the summer in the fields behind Pov’s home at the top of Green Lane where Glenmaye Road is today. Pov enlisted the help of her neighbours to help with Cub badges and cooking beans and sausages on an open fire in Church Lane. One can only imagine how difficult life must have been in the mid 1940s, rationing, the menfolk returning from war and those not returning. Seven year olds from the village must have been in desperate need for the fellowship and fun after the years of conflict and trauma. Wolf Cub Scouting met these needs perfectly.

Pov being presented with the Medal of Merit by DC Jack Allan.

Georgina Povey. – Pov with Monty, Ida Haddock and ADC Wolf Cubs. – Perhaps this photo shows the real Pov being presented with a bouquet by one of her Wolf Cubs, now a member of the Troop.

Pov’s Wolf Cubs

At the opening of the HQ